I am proud to release this new little blurb about my works!

I am proud to release this new little blurb about my works!
Tiny Tim, the songbird who rocked the popular music world around the globe with his falsetto voice rendition of “Tip Toe through the Tulips”, will be remembered with a Retrospect and Tribute titled: “Tiny Tim in Lincoln County” presented by the Merrill Historical Society at the Gleason Bowling Alley and convention center Saturday April 13. Featuring Tiny Tim’s Come back performances in the Gleason area in late l980’s. and early l990’s. in several concerts and dramatic roles at the Shooting Ranch Studios Gleason where he starred in his only feature film, “Nightmare” and a Tiny Tim and Friends a children’s TV show. The event will be a full day of entertainment with food amenities and screening of the Capture of Bigfoot also filmed in the Gleason area in 1979. Tickets are $23.00 inclusive of buffet between film screenings. Tickets available at: Merrill Historical Society, Gleason bowling alley and on the Independent Artists Pictures Website at https://independentartistspictures.com.